
The art of dredging is a difficult and painful one to learn, but the benefits are well worth the struggle. Dredgers make their living by diving into the waves of the Wildsea in search of valuable specimens and salvage, sifting through dangerous wrecks and exploring ancient ruins.

Dredgers traditionally dress as lightly as they can, leaving as much space as possible free to carry their finds back to their ships. Most dredgers are easily distinguished by the stained, seared skin of their hands and feet - the effects of long-term crezzerin exposure are hard to hide.

Ancient Dangers

The truth of the pre-verdant era is a mystery to vast majority, but slightly less to the dredger. Even the most inexperienced of their profession run across artefacts and oddities of those old days from time to time, snagging them for trophy-cases, bragging rights or the ministrations of a ship’s rattlehand.

What is Treasure, Anyway?

Different folks specialize in the retrieval of different things when they head below the surface. Some search exclusively for the massively valuable, the ruins of the old world and the mysteries they contain. Others, no less important, set their sights a little lower - on salvage pieces and wrecked hull-plating, a captain’s old cutlass or a cupboard brimming with charts. The sea is loath to let such items go, or at least that’s how it feels, but salvage - as it’s often said - is the lifeblood of civilization.

Questions to Consider

When you incorporate elements of the dredger into your character, consider the following questions…

Alternate Presentations

Dredgers can work well as more general looters and scavengers, but you can also twist the concept into a far stealtheir direction by making them into some combination of cat-burglar and classic dungeoneer (relying on their aspects for working in dark conditions and gaining entry to places they shouldn’t).